IV Therapy vs. Physiotherapy| which one is best in 2022

This post by Daily Human Care is all about “IV therapy vs. Physiotherapy”.

If you’ve ever been bedridden by an injury, illness, or surgery, you know just how difficult it can be to keep active and stay healthy when you aren’t even able to leave your bed or your house. To help patients maintain their health, many healthcare providers offer two therapies that keep patients active despite their injuries or illnesses: intravenous (IV) therapy and physiotherapy. Although both medicines can be helpful, IV therapy may be better suited to some patients than physiotherapy, depending on the condition or injury and the patient’s needs and goals.

IV therapy vs. Physiotherapy

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is the practice of physical therapy, which includes many different types of treatments. It is a healthcare profession that helps people to recover from injury, illness, or disability and carry on with everyday life by focusing on improving movement, reducing pain, and managing conditions such as arthritis, stroke, or neurological trauma. At times when you need physiotherapy treatment, it may be necessary to go to the hospital for inpatient care or outpatient treatment; this will depend on the severity of your condition. Hospital-based physio can be expensive, but many free services are available in some parts of the country, including charity organizations such as The Angels Foundation here in London.

What do physiotherapists do?

Physiotherapists can help you recover from a wide range of injuries or medical conditions, including:

– Injuries resulting from accidents at work or play 

– Sudden injury, such as when a muscle tears 

– Long-term problems caused by previous injuries (such as arthritis) 

Physiotherapy is a hands-on treatment that uses gentle pressure and movements to relieve pain and stimulate blood flow to the injured area. It also helps to improve muscle strength, range of motion, and balance. This approach is called manual therapy and it’s often combined with exercise programs that help strengthen the body’s core muscles. Physiotherapists are like angels who come out of nowhere when you need them most!

What is Interstitial Cystitis?

Interstitial cystitis, also known as IC, is a chronic condition that causes the bladder to become inflamed and irritated for no apparent reason. The bladder gets irritated because it’s repeatedly being filled with urine, but then not emptied as often as it should be. As a result of this irritation, a person with IC may experience burning or painful feelings when urinating. They may also feel the need to urinate more often than usual or have difficulty emptying their bladder fully (incontinence). Typical symptoms of IC include urinary urgency (needing to urinate suddenly), urinary frequency (needing to go frequently), and pain during sexual intercourse or other pelvic pressure-related activities.

How does IV therapy help IC patients?

IV therapy is a component of the IC treatment plan that many patients find very helpful. It can address a variety of needs, including pain relief, nutritional support, hydration and electrolyte balance, bowel management, and symptom relief from anemia or infection. The use of intravenous therapy (IV) has been shown to be effective in treating chronic pain by decreasing inflammation and increasing dopamine levels in the brain. IV therapy can also help with wound care as it is applied directly to a wound for increased blood circulation and healing. 

People who are receiving IV therapy at home may also receive angel care from volunteers who visit periodically to make sure everything is running smoothly with the equipment and monitor patient compliance with their prescribed treatments.


Is there any downside to using this treatment?

IV therapy is a treatment option for patients suffering from chronic pain, but there are also some potential drawbacks. One potential downside of IV therapy is that it can be expensive, costing $100 to $200 per treatment session, and the sessions can be spaced far apart in order to avoid an overdose of medication. Additionally, IV therapy may not work as well in people who have high blood pressure or heart conditions because it puts too much stress on the circulatory system.

Physiotherapy is a treatment option for patients with chronic pain; however, there are some benefits and drawbacks to this type of therapy as well.

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