How Glasses Protect Our Eyes in 2022

This post by Daily Human Care is all about How glasses protect our eyes? why they become necessary these days?

According to the American Optometric Association, nearly 65 million Americans are affected by vision impairment, and over half of those living with vision impairment are without any correction. By 2022, it’s predicted that corrective eyewear will be in high demand as the older generations who suffer from common eye ailments such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts increasingly opt to correct their vision rather than live with these ailments undiagnosed or untreated. This Opticall prediction discusses some of the ways that technology will revolutionize corrective eyewear in the coming years.

 How Glasses Protect Our Eyes in 2022

Three reasons we buy glasses

Do you know, How Glasses Protect Our Eyes? Glasses can protect our eyesight. They can provide UV protection and help prevent eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. Opticall has created an infographic with three key reasons why you should get a pair of glasses soon.

Glasses are not just for looking pretty, they are essential to help us see the world clearly and stay healthy. With Optics Valley Optician’s help, you’ll be able to pick out a pair of glasses that meets your needs at affordable prices. So why wait? You’ll have a clear vision in no time!

1) They provide UV protection- UV radiation can cause sunburns, skin cancer, as well as damage to the cornea and retina.


Benefits of contact lenses over glasses

Contact lenses are more advanced than glasses and can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Contacts also provide better protection for your eyes as they are less likely to scratch or damage as easily. In addition, contact lenses have an extended wear option of up to six months versus three days for most glasses models. This extended period of time will result in fewer eyeglasses purchases overall and a reduced risk of needing eye care intervention from scratches and the build-up of bacteria inside the eyes. For these reasons, opticall is now predicting that contact lenses will be worn by 94% of people by 2020.


Future Wearables To Enhance Vision

In the future, Google will help to solve many of the major vision problems. Humans won’t need to put on their glasses as often if Google can automate a lot of the vision issues. In the future, smart contact lenses will also fix many of these common eye problems, which you wouldn’t need to take out and clean throughout the day. Furthermore, augmented reality is also here with more possibilities than ever before! AR presents new ways for visual information from books and computers to be seen from all angles. This may allow people with impaired vision an opportunity for better understanding through interaction with visuals and other stimuli without increasing any pain or discomfort present within their natural eye.


Laser Treatment is Cheaper than Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery and corrective lens prescriptions are becoming increasingly expensive. People who have laser eye surgery will be covered by their insurance, but the cost can be out of reach for many people. According to ophthalmologist Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, The vast majority of patients get it done by about 30 years old, and it really needs to be done before 25. Laser treatment is a new cheaper alternative that can also treat other vision problems like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, making this procedure more accessible to people with different levels of income or medical coverage.

Laser treatments are significantly cheaper than laser eye surgery because the laser is inserted directly into the eye without incisions to increase the risk for infection or complication rates.


Refractive Surgery, Will it replace Laser Treatment?

Laser treatments have been the standard for vision correction, but their use is decreasing as advances are made in refractive surgery. While laser treatment can correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, it is too reliant on the accurate calculation of refraction and thickness of cornea to be a suitable treatment for every vision problem. Meanwhile, refractive surgery has the ability to address nearsightedness, farsightedness, and presbyopia. The newer technique uses eye muscles to reshape the shape of the cornea using a controlled suction ring or the top of an epithelial cell or epithelium graft if one is needed instead.


3D Printing in 2029 – Augmented Vision

3D printing is the future of wearable technologies. Think of a hypothetical use case, where your glasses have tiny sensors that can detect when your vision is not optimal. As you make an adjustment to your posture or to whatever you’re looking at, the sensors would calculate how far you are from perfect vision and then send this information over to the printer in real time. The printer would then scan what you’re looking at and print out a new lens that could, for example, compensate for presbyopia (a natural problem associated with aging). You would be able to see better instantly!


What will people do with their eyes?

In 2042, people with poor eyesight will wear glasses to help their vision. There are two different types of glasses you can choose from distance glasses or reading glasses. The distance glasses are clear and let you see things a long way away. Reading glasses, on the other hand, are just for looking at something close up, like a book or television screen. Both work well when your eyes aren’t that bad yet and need an extra boost before going completely blind.

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